High-resolution imaging technology for cellular-level biological tissue imaging.

The Light-CT optical coherence tomography system combines white light interferometry principles with microscope resolution capabilities, in order to provide en-face images below the surface of biological samples.

Light-CT is the only technology enabling one micron cellular resolution imaging in all 3 dimensions at significant depths. It does not require tissue preparation, nor modification, nor staining of any kind, unlike conventional histology slide preparation.


Light-CT performs non-invasive and non-destructive real-time optical biopsy. This technology is particularly suitable for:

  • fast tumorous tissue assessment
  • triage, biobanking
  • embryology, neurology, small animal (rodents, drosophila, C. Elegans, etc.)
  • 3D imaging of matrigel scaffolds
  • precious or fragile tissue (stem cells, ophtalmic samples)
  • cosmetology


The Light-CT Scanner is intended to acquire, store, retrieve, display, and transfer optical coherence tomography images of unsectioned excised surgical tissue for review by physicians to assist in forming a clinical judgment. The Light-CT Scanner is not intended as a primary means of diagnosis. The Light-CT Scanner is certified for research use only.

More information about the Light-CT Scanner in Science.